Monday, May 21, 2012

Lighten your Load: Seek Professional Administrative Help

Once again, you've had a tough day at work which means you've skipped lunch and only had coffee. You had some files missing, emails still waiting for replies and a handful of people waiting for a callback. Tomorrow, yet is another tough day.

It would help to recognize that you are overwhelmed, stop being in denial that you can cope with things on your own. Maybe you can, but for how long? Can you envision yourself slaving throughout the year through the paper and email piles you have at hand?

As inundated that you are, you must learn how to stop and know when to take a breather. Taking a breather doesn't mean quitting your job or letting go of your business, it only mean you just need an extra set of hands to keep the work from piling up. You should determine what your next step should be because it's important you realized that everyone gets overwhelmed at times and its quite normal to seek help. Here's what you can do to ease your burden- hire a Virtual Assistant.

An online personal assistant can deal with a host of office situations, administrative matters that would normally cost you a great of time to finish.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Live Stress-Free with a Virtual Assisstant

It’s an all too familiar litany of work hassles. After you get to finish a third of your work load, half your day is gone.

If you’ve crossed the threshold, or are close to having a burnout, surrender to the fact that you are overwhelmed with work. Now try allocating what’s on your plate by hiring a reliable Virtual Assistant.

There are a number of readily available Virtual Assistance services online. All you have to do is review them thoroughly, if they are a perfect match to your business.

A Virtual Assistant can be part of your working core team, part of your circle of trust when it comes to answering correspondences and archiving confidential files. Virtual Assistants do uphold Non-Disclosure Agreements that you have them signed, they are discreet and mindful of the boundaries you set in terms of your business, so you can be at ease in knowing that your company secrets are safe and are in good hands. What's more a VA can do most of the mundane clerical tasks that have you overwhelmed daily such as answering phone and voice messages, scheduling business meetings and writing copy.

So consider a Virtual Assistant today, and set yourself up for a stress-free work year.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

How to Handle your Virtual Assistant

Life too short to tediously toil on the little things, so why not have someone clear the workload off your plate so you can end up eating cake? And by cake, I mean relaxing with your feet up eating sweets while someone handles all your daily tasks. The perfect way to do that is by hiring a Virtual Assistant.

A Virtual Assistant is like an online secretary, personal assistant, scheduling clerk, online shopping specialist, project manager that can do all the work you need done throughout the course of a day.

Part of hiring an outsourcing professional such as Virtual Assistant is that you have to place a certain amount of trust on them. Trust that they will get the job done for you.While you should make your expectations clear, its not a good idea to generally micro-manage your freelancers. It beats the reason why you hired a Virtual Assistant in the first place. If you're going to spend most of your day micro-managing every little detail, you'll end up terribly stressed out. So give your VA a shot to prove herself and let go, don’t try to dictate how exactly they should do their job by the minute detail. If you’re happy with the overall output, then how she got was able to achieve that end result doesn’t really matter. What matters is that, your VA was able to deliver and perform your tasks on time.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Virtual Assistant Exam

In my book, the best Virtual Assistants are usually the ones who are the first to follow simple instructions. When hiring, have them do a work test prior to the interview- you can specify this work test in your initial job ad or email the candidates who look promising based on therir CVs.

Email them to call your office and leave a voice mail introducing themselves. The VAs should include answers to the following questions:
  • Why they want the job?
  • How much is their current pay rate?
  • How many working hours are they available?
The most likely scenario is you will have a number of potenial applicants unable to follow your simple instructions. Some will email you back instead of calling, some will ramble on unprofessionally. Others will be unable to articulate themselves propersly (here you will be able to determine if they speak English very well or not). And of course, the diamond in the rough or the best catch will be able to deliver what you asked and more. Doing such a test will save your the headache of re-hiring a VA later on, finding the person most suitable for your company has to start from the get-go. Best of Luck!